If you have a 7th or 8th grader that is interested in staying after school for 21st Century we have some options available for them to do they may be interested in on Tuesday and Thursday such as coding, art, and games. Please contact the school to get them signed up!
almost 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
The Senior Star Quilt Raffle has a winner! Renita Delorme, please contact the school at 701-473-5306 to get your quilt! Congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, Rebecca Johnson
Star Quilt
The 3rd, 5th, and 6th grade students will be bringing home a permission slip this evening for a field trip they will be going on. All of these slips are due back by Thursday. Please sign them if you wish for you child to attend and have not already signed one.
almost 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There is no school tomorrow, Monday February 17th, in honor of President’s Day.
almost 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
Spring pictures are tomorrow! There will be no family night tonight. Family night will be on Wednesday February 19th.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There will be no 21st Century tonight due to basketball games at the school.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
The Minnewaukan Public School is looking to hire subs. If you are interested in subbing please call the school at 701-473-5306.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There will be no 21st Century tonight due to basketball games at the school.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
Please take this brief survey regarding our 21st Century Program. All elementary students attend the 21st Century Program as they have morning walking club and reading club in the library. https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/126489/40473/1/40473
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There is an early out today. All students will be dismissed at 1:00. There is no 21st Century.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There will be no 21st Century today due to basketball games at the school.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There will be no 21st Century today as there are basketball games at the school.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
There will be no 21st Century tonight due to the weather.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
Pre-K Families please come and join us for a Parent-Child Activity on Friday, January 17th from 10:00-10:30. You are also welcome to stay and eat lunch with the Pre-K class at 11:00 at no cost to you.
about 5 years ago, Amy Ertelt
There will be no 21st Century tonight due to weather.
about 5 years ago, Mackenzie Moen
Pre-K Families please come and join us for a Parent-Child Activity on Friday, January 17th from 10:00-10:30. You are also welcome to stay and eat lunch with the Pre-K class at 11:00 at no cost to you. Flyers will be sent home today with your pre-k child.
about 5 years ago, Amy Ertelt
Our concessions crew is up and ready to go for today’s basketball tournament and Bingo fundraiser. We hope to see you here!
about 5 years ago, Rebecca Johnson
Student workers
Over break, Ms. Hansen went to M&M World in Las Vegas! She brought back a bunch of different flavors for us to taste test!Thank you for thinking of us! The 4th graders greatly appreciate it 😋
about 5 years ago, Tara Hoffner
Over break, Ms. Hansen went to M&M World in Las Vegas! She brought back a bunch of different flavors for us to taste test!Thank you for thinking of us! The 4th graders greatly appreciate it 😋
Over break, Ms. Hansen went to M&M World in Las Vegas! She brought back a bunch of different flavors for us to taste test!Thank you for thinking of us! The 4th graders greatly appreciate it 😋
about 5 years ago, Tara Hoffner
Come on out for our BINGO event on Saturday, January 4th from 12:30-2:30pm. All ages welcome to join in! Cash prizes for winners. The cost is $1.00 per card, per game. Play as long as you want! All proceeds will go towards events for the students. We hope to see you there!
about 5 years ago, Rebecca Johnson