

Augustin, in Pre-K, is a great friend in the classroom. He is always willing to help and is kind to everyone. Augustin is a joy!

- February


Penelope, in kinder, is the kindest. She loves to give compliments and hugs. She has great attendance and loves school. She also has many friends and loves to help her classmates.She never gives up on her work and knows how to ask for help.

- February


Langston, in 1st grade, is such a great student! He follows directions and always works hard. He will ask questions and always participate in class. He comes to school each day with a positive attitude, ready to learn, and we are so proud to have Langston in 1st grade!

- February


Aubrey, in 2nd grade, is a great student to have in the classroom. She has great attendance and is always participating in class. Aubrey is a hard worker in the classroom and has shown good growth in both reading and math. She is helpful, kind and respectful.

- February


Riley, in 3rd grade, is a wonderful leader in our school. She is kind and respectful to her peers and staff. She works very hard in all subject areas. She has been working very hard in reading and has made good progress this year!

- February


Kairo, in 4th grade, is such a great student. He is always trying to learn new things. He's blowing the benchmarks out of the water in his reading and fluency. He is a great friend with a great imagination. I can always count on Kairo to hype myself and his classmates up!

- February


Ian, in 5th grade, is student of the month for his improved active listening and participation, even when faced with challenges. His persistence and determination to keep trying despite difficulties have been truly commendable. Keep up the great work!

- February


Lexi, in 6th grade, is a hard worker and always tries her best. She is doing great in her classes. She is very respectful to teachers and peers. She always follows the classroom and school rules.

- February


Brody, in Pre-K, is a kind friend and always willing to help in the classroom. He has been working super hard in the classroom with his writing and letter sounds. He is a joy to have in Prek!

- January


Colter, in Kindergarten, has grown so much this year. He has been able to understand what our school expectations are and what it means to be a great class leader. He works hard in class and comes to school every day. He is such a great student to have in class. Great work

- January


Ana, in 1st grade, is so great in the classroom! She works hard and always follows directions. She is so helpful and cares about others. She comes to school everyday. We are so proud to have Ana in our first grade class!

- January


Taeya, in 2nd grade, is a great student to have in the classroom. She is very respectful to teachers and peers. She always follows the classroom and school rules. Taeya has good attendance, is a hard worker and always tries her best. We love having Taeya in our classroom!

- January


Nate, in 3rd grade, is a leader in our classroom. He has great attendance, is kind to all, and always participates. He has been working extra hard in math and math intervention and has showed wonderful growth!

- January


Dion, in 4th grade, is a great leader in our classroom. I can count on him to participate. He is absolutely doing great in his classes and is working hard in all of them! Dion has great attendance and is a great friend. I can count on Dion for great laugh, too!

- January


Joseph, in 5th grade, is a quiet inspiration in our class. He is kind to all his peers. He works hard on his class work to do his best. He is helpful and considerate. He brings a positive attitude to school. I am very fortunate to be his classroom teacher.

- January


Jalisa, in 6th grade, works hard in her academic classes. She’s always in a good mood and ready to learn everyday. She is a great partner. She's a kind friend and very respectful student with great attendance!

- January


Declan, in pre-k, is a great friend and leader in the classroom. He has the best listening ears and will always try to do whats right. We are so lucky to have Declan be part of our Pre-K family.

- December


Mateo, in kindergarten, is a great student, always tries his hardest at his work and he has learned so much this year. He is very kind to everyone around him and sticks up for kids who are getting picked on. He has great attendance and We love to see him at school.

- December


Haisley, in 1st grade, is such a great role model. She is always following directions, keeping her eyes on the teacher, comes to school everyday ready to learn. She is kind to others and always tries her best. We are so happy to have her in first grade!

- December


Brinlee, in 2nd grade, is a wonderful student. She has great attendance, is kind to her friends and very respectful. She works hard with everything she does, has good participation in class and has shown growth in reading and math. We love having her in our class!

- December


Wiyaka, in 3rd grade, is kind and respectful to everyone! He always tries his best and works very hard in all subject areas.

- December


Kenadie, in 4th grade, has been working hard in school. She has great attendance and kind to her friends. She participates and works well with others! She follows school wide expectations and is a great role model for other students.

- December


Danyell is such a delight, she comes with a smile on her face ready to have a wonderful day, is kind, hard-working, and willing to help even when not asked. She takes time to do her best. She shows respect for teachers, classmates, and our school!

- December


Eagan, in 6th grade, is a soft-spoken, well behaved young man. Eagan always perseveres and doesn't give up. He is always doing what he’s supposed to with a positive attitude. He makes good choices and is a good friend. He is an amazing kid!

- December


Wilder, in pre-k. is a great leader and friend. He is very creative and loves to learn. Wilder is always helping the teacher or friend if asked. He is a joy to have in Pre-K.

- November


Evan, in Kindergarten, is a hard worker who comes to school every day ready to learn. He always has a positive attitude and comes to school with a smile. He makes smart choices every day and is a helpful friend. Evan is a rockstar!

- November


Spencer, in 1st grade, is such a kind and energetic student! She is always listening to the teachers directions and works hard. She comes to school everyday with a smile on her face. We are so lucky to have her!

- November


Shaylise, in 2nd grade, is a wonderful student to have in the classroom. She is very respectful to teachers and her peers and is always willing to help. Shaylise has good attendance, works hard in the classroom and has shown growth in reading and math.

- November


Nixen, in 3rd grade, is a leader in the classroom. He has great attendance, works hard in all subject areas, and always has a positive attitude. He always participates and share his ideas with his class. We love having him in our class!!

- November


Layla, in 4th grade, has continued to show that she's a great student. She tries hard on her work, completes her assignments, and reminds students of the expectations. Layla is a good friend and is very helpful in the classroom!

- November


Mason, in 5th grade, is responsible, dependable, and follows the expectations in our class. He tries his best even when challenging. He is respectful and willing to help in class.

- November


Darren, in 6th grade, follows teacher directions, participates in class, completes all his work on time and respects his peers and teachers. He tries is best at everything. Darren also has great attendance.

- November


Emmalee Baumtrog is a great leader in the pre-k classroom. She follows directions and does what is asked of her right away. Emmalee has a positive attitude in everything she does. She is also a fantastic friend who is always kind to everyone.

- October


Daisha Rough, in kindergarten, loves school and always wants to participate in class. She loves to help her teachers and other students. She is becoming a very good reader!

- October


Presley Leaf is such a kind first grader! She is always following directions and is a hard worker. Everyday she comes to school with a positive attitude and is great at helping others. We love having Presley at Minnewaukan School!

- October


Lylea Cavanaugh, in 2nd grade, is a wonderful student to have in school! She is kind and respectful to all. Lylea has great attendance, participates in class, is always working hard in every subject and follows the school and classroom expectations.

- October


Jaxston Santos, in 3rd grade, works hard in all subject areas and always has a positive attitude. He is kind to staff and his peers. We love having him in our class!

- October


Nolan Volk, in fourth grade, demonstrates what being a good friend, classmate, and student is in all of his classes. He participates and gets his work done. He's a great kid with a fun personality. He has a great balance of working hard and playing hard!

- October


Gracey Dye, in fifth grade, is my student of the month pick for October. She is kind, thoughtful, and helpful in our class. Gracey follows the expectations in and out of the classroom. She participates in class and works hard to do her best in her work.

- October


Mckinzie James, in sixth grade, is a leader in the classroom. She follows directions, participates in class, completes school work and respects her peers and teachers. She does her best in everything she does.

- October


Joel Longie, in prek, is a leader. He is so kind to his friends and has the best listening ears.

- September


Nadia Alberts, in kindergarten, is a great helper. She enjoys being at school and is a greal role model for her peers.

- September


Cece Gourd, in 1st grade, always follows directions and actively listens to Mrs. Walter. She tries her best in school and is so thoughtful to her friends, teachers and staff.

- September


Nevaeh Fox, in 2nd grade, is a great student to have in the classroom. She has good attendance, she participates in class and she works hard at everything she does. Nevaeh is a great friend and kind to all.

- September


Reeanna Yankton, in 3rd grade, is a wonderful student! She follows directions, participates, is kind to everyone, and always tries her best on her work.

- September


Aceson Dye, in 4th grade, is starting the year off strong with his participation. I can count on Aceson for sharing out answers and completing his tasks. He's excelling in reading and is working hard in his other classes.

- September


Kaydence Greywater, in 5th grade, is dependable, faithful, and honest. She shows respect for teachers and peers. Kaydence is a hardworking young student who tries her best in all subjects.

- September


Jaylee Lenoir, in 6th grade, is a leader in the classroom. She follows directions, participates in class, completes school work and respecting her peers and teachers. She tries her best in everything she does. Jaylee also has excellent attendance.

- September